Tuesday, July 12, 2011


It had been coming for quite some time. That feeling deep inside that something is shifting and as hard as you try to drown out that little voice, you know the day will come when you finally act.

It can take anything... a stupid comment from a colleague... a cold rainy day... an empty kettle when you put it on in the first place for your cup of tea... and then Wham! it happens.
You have had ENOUGH!

For me, the shift happened at least a year before I acted. And for 6 months it was just a matter of hoping the feeling would go away. But it didn't and one day the fear had utterly vanished and had been replaced by an absolute certainty that I had to change my course or I would be swallowed alive or worse still wake up in twenty years time with no knowledge of what I had been doing, why I had been doing it and who for.

So I left my full time job, dusted off my paints and brushes and starting making myself happy again.

Each piece I create is an original. No prints, no mass marketing. A one off that represents authenticity and uniqueness. Something I value very highly in this tough journey called life.

I have not for a second regretted my decision and I urge you all, in whatever form is comfortable for you, to remain true to yourself and never compromise. 

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